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Greetings, authors!

We are thrilled that you’re considering publishing your spine-chilling tales with Twisted Dreams Press, where nightmares come to life!

At Twisted Dreams Press, we embrace diversity and inclusivity while celebrating your unique voice and twisted perspective. The more variety, the better!

Here are the steps needed to get your creepy creations and scream-inducing tales into our haunted hands, along with answers to your most burning questions about what you can expect when publishing with Twisted Dreams Press!

For more information, please email us at, or fill out our contact form.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Submission Guidelines

Genre: Whether you’re creating spooky ghost stories, devising chilling thrillers, or summoning monsters from the darkest corners of your imagination, we’re excited to read what you’ve got to share with us.

Although horror fiction and tales that torment the human psyche are our bread and butter, we will consider tantalizing manuscripts and collections in other genres too!

Word Count: We’re open to fiction of any length at this time. From short stories to epic sagas, if it gives us goosebumps, we’re all in!

Response Time: Our commitment is to read your manuscript and get back to you ASAP! On average, the turn-around time is up to six weeks, and often much sooner!

Accepted Stories: If your story gives us the heebie-jeebies and we decide to bring it into our haunted collection, we will let you know via email.

If you receive a rejection, we will explain why in detail, and may invite you to resubmit. Don’t give up!

Submission Process:

Email your bone-chilling fiction to with the subject line Submission: [Your Name] – [Title of Manuscript].

Attach your story/collection with the email. Our preferred file format is .doc or .docx. If you are unable to send your manuscript in this format for whatever reason, please let us know and we will work together with you to come up with a solution.

In the body of your email, please add a few lines introducing yourself and your story.

Author FAQ

Q: Why should I publish with Twisted Dreams Press?

A: Twisted Dreams Press offers authors a uniquely tailored publishing experience, including customized contracts that cater to each author’s individual needs and preferences. We provide editing, formatting, cover design, competitive royalties, and a commitment to honoring your creative vision.

Q: Are there any out-of-pocket expenses for authors?

A: No, never! All costs associated with the publishing process are covered by Twisted Dreams Press.

Q: How long does the publishing process typically take?

A: The timeline varies based on the complexity of your manuscript and our workload, but we are dedicated to working efficiently to ensure your book is published in a timely manner. We will keep you informed during every step along the way.

Q: What rights do authors retain when publishing with Twisted Dreams Press?

A: Authors retain full rights to their work. Our publishing agreements are designed to respect and empower your creative ownership, ensuring your unique voice shines through.

Personalized contracts will be handed out for accepted manuscripts and collections, so get ready to sign on the dotted line and let the nightmares begin!

Q: What sets Twisted Dreams Press apart from other independent publishing houses?

A: Twisted Dreams Press offers a personalized and collaborative publishing experience. We value creativity, professionalism, mutual respect, transparency, and a deep appreciation for the craft of storytelling. We are dedicated to helping authors bring their twisted dreams to life.